Monday, October 6, 2014

Making Your Home a Haven: Fall Challenge - Week 1

Candles on  vintage tray with nuts and pumpkin on wooden background

I am so excited {{{Squeal, squeal!!!}}} for this Fall Challenge. I always look forward to doing this challenge every year. As I stated in previous post. So today is the first week....yay! {{jumping up for JOY!!}}

Here is this weeks Challenge info, please also click here to check out more of WLW's info on this week. 

Go buy an extra large candle and light a candle everyday in your home. I will be starting mine in the morning but you can start yours at dinner time or whenever is convenient for you.  I will be placing mine in the kitchen – the main hub of my home.
Each time the glimmer of the candle catches your eye, say a prayer for peace and patience within your home.
You are an environment.
Let’s make our homes feel more like a warm hug than a cold shoulder for all those who find refuge under our roof this week!
So if you already have fall scented you don't need to buy a new. Also if your on a budget the Dollar Tree sells some for $1, they are cute and smell yummy. Another great store that sells amazing smelling candles is Bath and Body works. They are having some sales on their current Fall candles right now, and if you use your 20% you can get some on the cheap. 

She wanted us to chime's some questions she asked. 
What type of environment are you? Here's a few examples she gave on her blog
 Have you ever considered that YOU are an environment?  What type of environment are you?
Are you the warm and hospitable type? I can be
Are you the cheery, sunshine type? Sometimes, not all the time. 
Are you calm and quiet? Most of the time
Harried and hurried? During parties with lots of people....working on this one. 
Irritable and angry? Sometimes, when I'm feeling rushed. 
Or perhaps tired and ticked-off? This past weekend I was due to lack of sleep, oh Lord forgive me. 
What type of environment are you? All of the above.
What gets in the way of your peace and patience in your home? Satan, my flesh, not relying or trusting in God first. 

Have you begun to light your candle?  What scent is your candle and does your family like the candle? I lit it this weekend, they love coming home to a nice smelling home. Today was cleaning day so I will be lighting one of our new ones. See pics below

Here’s a picture of what I’m using this week – I LOVE these scents from Bath and Body works, these I was not planning on buying but I took my daughter and her friends bday shopping. They wanted to go in and I just had to splurge with sales and coupons they came out pretty cheap. Yay!! 

Here is another candle, see pic below,  I will be using this week as well, I was blessed by a friend last week with this amazing scented candle.

So excited for this challenge! Thanks Courtney again, love you sis, you are such a blessing and Titus 2 Woman for all of us walking with the King!!

Thank you for stopping by.....
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  1. Beautiful candle and loved your transparency. Sweet blessings!

  2. Awe...thanks so much. Just keeping it real!! Thanks for stopping by and sweet blessings. I'm on my way to ur blog now.
    Blessings, Adrienne


Thank you soo much for leaving an encouraging comment, I look forward to reading them and thank you for stopping by.

God Bless you!
By His Grace,


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What is the Truth?

What is the truth?
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What me and my Family Believe

What We Believe
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WE BELIEVE the worship of God should be inspirational! Therefore we give a great place to music in our worship.
WE BELIEVE the worship of God should be intelligent! Therefore, in our services, we emphasize Bible teaching so God may instruct us how He would be worshipped.
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How To Know God

How to Know God

Realize that you are a sinner. No matter how good a life we try to live, we still fall miserably short of being a good person. That is because we are all sinners. We all fall short of God’s desire for us to be holy. The Bible says, “No one is good—not even one” (Romans 3:10 NLT). This is because we cannot become who we are supposed to be without Jesus Christ.Recognize that Jesus Christ died on the cross for you.The Bible tells us, “But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while were still sinners” (Romans 5:8 NLT). This is the Good News, that God loves us so much that He sent His only Son to die in our place when we least deserved it.Repent of your sin.The Bible tells us to “repent and be converted” (Acts 3:19 NKJV). The word repent means to change our direction in life. Instead of running from God, we can run toward Him.Receive Jesus Christ into your life.Becoming a Christian is not merely believing some creed or going to church on Sunday. It is having Christ Himself take residence in your life and heart. Jesus said, “Behold, I stand at the door (of your life) and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in...” (Revelation 3:20 NKJV).

If you would like to have a relationship with Christ, simply pray this prayer and mean it in your heart.

Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner. I believe you died for my sins. Right now, I turn from my sins and open the door of my heart and life. I confess you as my personal Lord and Savior. Thank you for saving me. Amen.If you just prayed that prayer and meant it, Jesus Christ has now taken residence in your heart! Your decision to follow Christ means God has forgiven you and that you will spend eternity in heaven.

The Bible tells us, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9 NKJV).

Praise the Lord, if you just asked Jesus in your heart I want you to know that the Angels in Heaven are rejoicing for you and so am I. Go to and click on churches to find the closest church to you and go. Go and tell them that you've just accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart. They will be able to lead you to the next step.

God Bless you Brethren.
In the Mighty Name of Jesus!!! Amen!!!
Your sister in Christ Jesus!!!